Our in-house Heritage Consultant has over 20 years’ experience working in both the public and private sector and has first-hand knowledge and experience of dealing with Listed Building Applications and Planning Applications in Conservation Areas so can advise you on the best course of action to maximise your chances of success.
Heritage Services Provided:
Heritage Advice: Advise on all types of heritage assets at either pre-application, planning or appeal stages of the planning process. This can include anything from verbal advice over the telephone, on-site assessments or a thorough appraisal of the opportunities and constraints of any heritage asset or site. Where necessary, we will advise on alternative designs, on the degree of justification required and on the best approach to ensure the greatest chance of success.
Heritage Statements of Significance: Historical research is fundamental to understanding the significance of a building or place. We undertake assessments of all types of heritage assets in order to determine the significance of assets and their setting. This research usually forms a key part of Supporting Planning and Heritage Statements.
Negotiations: We can undertake the necessary consultations with local amenity groups, national heritage bodies such as Historic England and local authority Conservation Officers to discuss and negotiate your proposals.
Appeals: We can provide Expert Witness Statements for heritage appeals. We have a proven track record of preparing Grounds of Appeal that have persuaded independent planning inspectors to overturn local planning authority decisions and grant planning and listed building consent.
Rebuttals: We can provide Heritage Statements to support or rebut proposals for statutory listing, local listing or designation/extension of a Conservation Area.